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What makes Finns the happiest nation in the world?


The beginning of spring has started to please us with its warmth and sun, and has definitely made us feel happier. It is amazing how we, people, can enjoy small things despite different environmental and political challenges that we are facing all the time! An ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates called it “a capacity to enjoy less”, that should be developed by every person.

The latest survey, provided by the Gallup company, has showed that for the fourth consecutive year Finland topped a list of 95 countries evaluated on their inhabitants’ well-being. Incredible, isn’t it?

What is the secret ingredient, that Finns probably use in their morning coffee being also the biggest world coffee consumers?

The authors of the #WorldHappinessReport name three main factors that have caused such a situation of total happiness: - history (Finns respect other people’s boundaries and therefore the COVID isolation has not been so harmful for them), - education and basic needs satisfaction (everyone has access to the world highest level of education for free, good social support policy etc.), - realistic expectations for the life, similar to Socrates statement.

It is obvious that basics of happy life are learnt during the socialization process (and education as its crucial part). That is why we are really pleased and proud of to be the company that helps to distribute the values of Finnish education and life values, that make the life a bit happier.

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